The Effect of Rambutan’s Leaf Extract Inhibitor on Corrosion Rate on Cast Iron Block Car Sedan Nissan in HCl Solution 1%


  • Ismet Eka Putra Institut Teknologi Padang
  • Pren Tanjung Institut Teknologi Padang



corrosion, corrosion rate, Nepheliumlappaceum L., cast iron car block Nissan Sedan, HCl


Corrosion in cast iron can be overcome by rambutan counter measures (Nepheliumlappaceum.L). The object of the study which is placed in 1% HCl solution each of 3 specimens in 1 vessel. 12 specimens in 4 vessels. In this study, soaking iron cast iron car block Sedan Nissan without inhibitor and the variation of inhibitor 5%, 10%, and 15% with immersion time 5, 10, and 15 days. The solution is coincides with 0.095 m3/hr of passage in a vessel with a volume of 1% 900 ml of HCl. The highest corrosion rate in cast iron soaked in 1% HCl without using rambutan leaf extract and immersion time of 15 days is 0,075054 mpy. The lowest corrosion rate in cast iron soaked in 1% HCl solution using 15% rambutan leaf extract and a 15 day immersion time of 0,025863 mpy.


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How to Cite

Eka Putra, I., & Tanjung, P. (2020). The Effect of Rambutan’s Leaf Extract Inhibitor on Corrosion Rate on Cast Iron Block Car Sedan Nissan in HCl Solution 1%. Jurnal Teknik Mesin, 10(1), 41–45.